The objective of the Siyakhuluma Seminars is to initiate and stimulate debate and explore different perspective on contemporary issues taking place locally as well as globally from a working-class perspective. This month’s topic: The NHI and the government’s austerity measures. What is the Labour Movement’s response?
This short course is aimed at developing a basic understanding of political economy and some of its key concepts; developing an understanding of different approaches to the analysis of economic issues; developing a framework for understanding current debates around South Africa’s economic development and deepening our confidence when confronted with debates around economic issues and to feel encouraged to pursue ongoing study of political economy. The course is targeted at shopstewards and will be held at DITSELA’s National office (JHB).
The Train the Trainer Popular Education Practice Workshop programme is an education programme aimed at empowering shop-stewards, community, youth and gender activists who aspire to be trade union and community educators to acquire popular education and facilitation skills and approaches so they may be effective educators. It involves both theoretical and practical knowledge as well as applications.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

To be a (Global) Centre of Excellence in Workers’ Education
In 1994, the new democratica government responded positively to the demands by the trade union movement for a commitment to Trade Union Education under the control of the trade union movement. The government created a special dedicated fund for this purpose, and supported the formation of DITSELA as an institute that will help build labour capacity to:
- Strengthen worker participation in workplace, industrial and political democracy
- Strengthen workers intellectual and organising capacity
- Build and strengthen a strong vibrant labour movement in SA
- Promote the role and importance of workers education
Our Locations
We have 2 sites located in Joburg and Cape Town. For more information, please follow the link below:
Director’s foreword
We are thrilled to bring you the outline of our 2023 programme, themed “REVIVING WORKERS’ EDUCATION THROUGH TRADE UNION ACTIVISM”.
The institute aims to be a Global Centre of Excellence in Workers Education by focusing on gender, socio-economic issues and climate change. The program will address the plight of women, young workers, and workers with disabilities, as well as those affected by poverty, unhealthy working environments, and corruption. The institute believes that a strong and progressive working class is essential for the short- and long-term building of the workers’ education movement, ultimately advancing their interests towards hegemony and building a classless society. The institute encourages workers to unite and fight for their rights.

What We Do
workers’ education as part of the adult learning policy discourse and its vital role in advancing socio-economic justice for the working class
the development of education, organising and leadership capacity of the labour movement.
traditional union values of democracy, collectivism, equality, human rights and the dignity of labour.
quality non-formal and formal workers’ education that encourages critical thinking, activism and transformation of the workplace and of society.
the unity and solidarity of the working class locally, on the continent and globally.
with the workers’ education movement locally and globally.
Fern Ellis
National Administration Course
Penelope Amogelang Kutumela
National Administration course
Johannes Mofephe
Fasset Seta Labour Law Skills Programme