Johannes Mofephe

“A huge thank you to DITSELA for conducting a progressive and comprehensive manual which entails key aspects of Labour Law to cover both the employers and employees, together with the trade union officials on behalf of members in various workplaces. Strategies, goals, and objectives of the training were really empowering and capacitating to enable the shopstewards to manage their roles and responsibilities in their workplaces on a daily basis, particularly on monitoring and evaluating the employer’s compliance with the regulations governing the workplace. Shopstewards and union officials who participated received further information and skill enhancement and advocacy concerning important priority areas in their workplaces.
The training wasn’t just about equipping us with tools to fight the employer, but also a way of approaching it, thanks to Mr. Monaisa, the training facilitator, who gave us all new perspectives on the opportunities to apply strategies when effectively engaging or challenging his or her employer in an appropriate manner.”